Photographer Tips - What Makes You Unique

January 24, 2022  •  1 Comment



I have a goal to help others improve their businesses and this post will cover a little about you and your customers. Please let me know if you find this helpful. Good luck in your business! 

  1. Reason to shop with us - what makes you unique? Is there an appeal to shopping and purchasing with you? Here are some examples
    • Expertise
    • Experience
    • Selection
    • Special Services
    • Instant Delivery
  2. Advertise the differences as one of the primary elements of your advertising and marketing plans. 
  3. Educate your customers instantly when they get to your website or brick and mortar location as to what makes you different. 
  4. New client orientation package
    • Brochure (what sets us apart)
    • Small gift (a free download or add on to order)
    • Coupon or offer 
  5. When someone walks through your door as "Have you been here before?" It's a quick yes or no answer and allows you another chance to share what makes you unique. This works at your show booths too. 
    • This lets you use an ice breaker explaining you points of "onlyness" between you and your competition. "Let me tell you what makes ABC Photography different than other photographers.
    • Conversions will soar and sales will increase. 
    • This is one of the fastest, easiest, most cost effective ways to convert lookers into buyers. 


Hope you found something helpful in this post. Good luck with your business, and get in touch if you have questions. 


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